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We’re here to help you define and deliver your education estates ambitions, ensuring that they meet your strategic and operational service needs, both now and in the future.

Formed by established firms Shared Agenda and Community Ventures coming together, we’re experts in estates consultancy, advising on strategic planning developments, investments, project and programme management and operational estates matters.

We’ve got extensive experience working alongside local authorities, schools and multi-academy trusts to bring your SEND and mainstream estates operations to life.



Services include:

  • Capacity assessments and utilisation studies
  • Feasibility studies
  • BB103 & BB104 analysis
  • Pupil place planning and sufficiency strategies
  • Estate strategies
  • Project management
  • Bid and funding application support
  • Sustainability advice
  • Review of estate function

How we can help

SEND sufficiency strategies

For some local authorities, managing the need for SEND places is more difficult than others. We can work with you to create a SEND sufficiency strategy, reviewing your existing estate to establish how and where additional capacity can be created, identifying the scale of the future shortfall, then creating a strategy to get you where you need to be.

Estates strategies and plans

There’s a lot of pressure on professionals in the education sector, who need to prioritise shrinking budgets, making sure you get maximum value from the investment in your estates, while ensuring your facilities are safe, fit for purpose and sustainable. We can help you create a plan to meet all these objectives.

Securing funding

Without funding, your plans can’t progress. We can support you to identify funding sources, apply for funding, submit bids, identify need and demonstrate viability for your project.

Creating more SEND places

We can support with strategic and project management to help create new SEND places, from feasibility studies to ascertaining potential capacity and viability, to scoping and briefing documents and project management of works.

Sustainability advice

It’s never too early to start thinking about what the future holds, and how your buildings may need to change or develop to align with your plans and meet sustainability goals. We can help you futureproof your school.


SEND case studies and advice

Creating a school fit for the future

When Hull was experiencing increased demand and insufficient capacity within the city’s secondary school system, our team developed and project managed a £15m scheme to remodel a former school building back into a modern, 1,200 place secondary school.


Helping create a SEND sufficiency strategy

When you’re preparing to meet the needs of the ever-increasing number of students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), you need a robust plan in place. We supported Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council to create a SEND strategy, helping provide the best education for all their students.

Developing a SEND sufficiency strategy - Sewell Advisory

Education Estates® SEND Conference 2025 Partners


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