As a paying private sector delegate, you will have access to the exhibition and all conference stages.
2-day Conference & Exhibition pass
1-day Conference & Exhibition pass
As a paying private sector delegate, you will have access to the exhibition and all conference stages.
2-day Conference & Exhibition pass
1-day Conference & Exhibition pass
Public delegates will receive a delegate badge that gives you access to the exhibition and all conference stages.
Attendance at the conference is free for those directly employed in schools, colleges, universities, government and local authorities (including governors and independent schools).
*All public sector registrations will be verified by the event organisers.
As a private sector visitor, you will have access to the exhibition but not the conference stages.
Attendance at the exhibition is free for the private sector. Please note: private sector refers to all those NOT directly employed in schools, colleges, universities, government and local authorities (including governors and independent schools).
Please note: Private sector visitors will not have access to any conference sessions.