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Scroll down to view the full programmeConference Programme

Please click on the session titles for full details of the presentations

  1. Registration & Networking
    60 mins
  1. Sheikh Zayed Theatre
    40 mins

    Exploring key insights and lessons learned from the Net Zero Accelerator Pathfinder, this discussion will highlight effective strategies, challenges, and successes in the journey toward decarbonisation.

  1. Conference Break & Networking
    60 mins
  1. Sheikh Zayed Theatre
    60 mins
    Decarbonising education estates is vital but funding remains a challenge. Looking at case studies, this session will explore barriers, solutions, and funding options for schools, colleges and universities.
  2. Alumni Theatre
    60 mins
    Showcasing projects including Trent View College, NMIS, and The Wave, this session explores how offsite construction, energy-efficient systems, and collaborative design approaches enable net zero outcomes.
  1. Lunch & Networking
    75 mins
  1. Conference Break & Networking
    45 mins
  1. Alumni Theatre
    60 mins
    This panel discussion will examine strategies for creating resilience across existing estates, with the aim of enabling continued operation, despite climate events. The session will include case studies from various client groups and how they are responding to the need for resilient estates.
  2. Alumni Theatre
    60 mins
    Hybrid Heating Solutions: Paving the Way to Net Zero in Education Matt Isherwood & Adam Wardley, Barker Associates & Kirsty Anthony, Shires Academy Trust Join education property consultants Barker for ...
  1. Move to Closing Keynote
    5 mins

Conference Partners

Arcadis Barker .
Eddisons Saint-Gobain Zenergi