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Yolanda Rendón-Guerrero

Yolanda Rendón-Guerrero

Research Innovation Fellow at the Assistive Technologies Innovation Centre (ATiC), University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Yolanda Rendón-Guerrero graduated as an architect at the University of Sevilla (ETSA) where she developed an interest for digital fabrication processes and understanding the impacts of design to wellbeing. Her previous collaborations at Fab Lab Sevilla and Fab Lab Amsterdam led her to explore the combination of traditional crafting techniques with industry 4.0, which she has continued to investigate at the Assistive Technologies Innovation Centre (ATiC) where she works as a research innovation fellow. On a research level, she has participated in manufacturing a low-cost prosthesis DIY kit for people that need to walk long distances for a living and are under risk of alienation; developed a remote service to 3D scan children’s heads using smartphones; and tested the triangulation of user experience (UX) and design methodologies, including virtual reality (VR), to understand how Covid-19 has impacted workplaces. She is interested in parametric design, prototype making and experimenting with new materials and is looking forward to continue collaborating with makers and researchers globally.



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