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How to get to net-zero affordably & efficiently - ReEnergise

16 Oct 2024

As the urgency amongst the industry to address climate change grows, schools and colleges are feeling increasing pressure to begin their path towards net-zero, but with ever-changing terminology and buzzwords, they are often left daunted by the task, not knowing where to start or whether they can afford the work.
Nigel Aylwin-Foster’s presentation ''How to get to net-zero affordably & efficiently'' aims to address the concerns of schools and colleges that are feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of beginning their transition to estate decarbonisation. The presentation seeks to break down the jargon associated with net-zero, provide practical guidance on how schools should get started, what the government line is, and confront the inevitable fears associated with the subject matter.
The presentation begins by defining common net-zero terms such as ‘net-zero carbon vs. net-zero energy’, ‘scopes 1-3’, and clarifying the specifics of what ‘estate decarbonisation’ actually means for schools. Nigel then goes on to explain the Heat Decarbonisation Plan (HDP) logic, the tasks involved and the routes to funding in the Public Sector.
To help schools and colleges understand the process, the presentation uses pie charts and animated graphics to explain the key steps involved and includes a number of recent case studies.




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