The University of Birmingham Estates Strategy – Making Important Things Happen… 26 January 2021
An Intelligent Approach to Zero Carbon
Thoughts and design around carbon, energy and sustainability play a significant role in updating the estate’s existing fabric to successfully repurpose. With a focus on achieving net zero, a route map and funding proposals have been generated to deliver these changes. Incorporating Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology early in the design process facilitates input and combats challenges in an immersive way. BIM makes it possible to virtually bring users into the building as it’s being constructed. Input can subsequently be expressed in terms of materials, cleaning, maintenance and accessibility. This has been particularly useful for developing the Dubai campus. Further, research provides in-depth understanding of a problem. The university utilised a forest for conducting research, named the ‘Institute of Forest Research’. CO2 is pumped into the forest as a way of monitoring the impact of global warming.
Investment in Teaching and Learning Spaces, and Managing Covid-19
There has been focus on producing settings which facilitate collaboration, and are used efficiently and productively. Investing in learning spaces has allowed the university to remain open throughout Covid-19, permitting small group interaction. The pandemic has taught us that flexibility is becoming the norm. Different learning modes will be implemented in the future with an emphasis on digital based learning; personalised learning may prevent the learner from feeling disadvantaged if they are joining classes offcampus. The next stage of capital planning will focus on investing in digital and physical spaces, developing an intelligent campus. Emerging from the pandemic, the UoB aim to move from surviving to thriving in a safe and sustainable way. An area at the heart of the campus, the ‘Green Heart’, is a 12-acre piece of land Webinar Review Trevor Payne, Director of Estates – University of Birmingham discusses the approach he took when establishing the Estates strategy for the University of Birmingham.The publisher is unable to take responsibility for the views and opinions expressed by contributors. Any advice, opinion or information contained is published only on the footing that the Publisher, and all contributors to this article shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect of contents. and green space which can be used to reflect, walk and meet with peers. This has also been particularly successful throughout Covid-19, particularly during the summer months. With strong wi-fi covering the vicinity, this green space invites both social connection and academic learning to take place. Going forward, investment in advanced technology will occur, like AI, smart buildings, cloud services and cyber security.
Key Lessons
Incorporating devices into the physical estate will assist in real-time data collection. This will provide feedback, for example, on energy use enabling the estate to respond to the changing needs of its surroundings and users. Data collection through post-project evaluation, construction framework and user feedback, such as from the student representative on the project board, will further assist in successfully transforming and delivering the Estates Strategy over the next 5 years.